Best practice ideas for business texting and live chat. Collect payments, reviews, surveys, and forms via text.
Collecting payments securely via mobile or text is easy to do - and there are also many benefits to be gained from doing it. Limiting payment collection to in-person collection…
Texting makes it easy to connect with customers in a faster, more convenient way - but what do you say in your texts? How can you make sure you're adding…
Phone tagging is the endless cycle of two people trying to call one another to find the other person unavailable. This dreadful game can be especially frustrating when you are trying to get a hold of a company you need information or a service from. This is the reason that many businesses have moved to texting their customers instead. So stop playing phone tag with calls! Texting is superior to calling because it maintains the flow of communication, creates a reliable channel where people are more likely to respond, and creates an enjoyable and less intrusive means of communication.
Captivated enables companies to become “the guy” - to become the inside connection - for each of their customers by creating personal and reliable communication that stands out against competition.
Another Captivated Success Story: Elements Lawn & Pest
Elements Lawn & Pest, a thriving family-owned business located in Cherry Hill NJ, uses Captivated to reduce costs, drive incremental revenue, maximize communication with customers, and offer an experience superior to that of local competition.
Northside ENT, located in Indianapolis IN, uses Captivated to enhance the patient experience, promote healthy and safe check-in during COVID-19, save time, and reduce costs.
Advantage Home Health Care, located in Muncie IN, has used Captivated to maximize communication across all entities involved in the delivery of home health care, while enhancing the patient experience, improving internal operations, and reducing costs.
Coast Air Center, located in San Diego CA, is a provider of premier aviation services to the Southern California region. They have dramatically improved contact with service customers and facilitated invoice payments -- with Captivated and its Text to Pay functionality.
NorthPark Community Credit Union (NCCU), located in Indianapolis IN, has used Captivated to improve customer communication and the overall experience of their membership, while maintaining the highest level of security and compliance standards.
THE DREADED PHONE TREESo there was a time when most businesses were staffed to handle inbound phone traffic with a friendly live greeting. Of course, as technology advanced and businesses…