General observations and thoughts on current trends in business and business communication after 30+ years.
Phone tagging is the endless cycle of two people trying to call one another to find the other person unavailable. This dreadful game can be especially frustrating when you are trying to get a hold of a company you need information or a service from. This is the reason that many businesses have moved to texting their customers instead. So stop playing phone tag with calls! Texting is superior to calling because it maintains the flow of communication, creates a reliable channel where people are more likely to respond, and creates an enjoyable and less intrusive means of communication.
Advantage Home Health Care, located in Muncie IN, has used Captivated to maximize communication across all entities involved in the delivery of home health care, while enhancing the patient experience, improving internal operations, and reducing costs.
THE PLAYER-COACH IS BACK Bryan Anderson, President You may have seen them on the field or on the court: those members of a sports team who play the game and,…
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. Stop running from the fear of failure. Embrace the bumps in the road.
handwriting blackboard writings - Make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
Handling a customer beef is never an easy task. The fact is, regardless of how well a company is run, there will always be customers with complaints, many of which…
My daughter recently convinced my wife and me to read a book by Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizing consultant, who supposedly has been transforming closets, if not lives, with her…
It is that season when we typically do a lot of reflecting. In the business world, we should do this purposefully at the end of each year. Like most entrepreneurs,…
We all remember our grade school teachers saying “Class, up here, let me see your eyes” to make sure we were paying attention. I used a similar term with my…
If you listen closely to the Bruce Springsteen song “Glory Days” it is about 3 folks who routinely get drunk and revisit their past. It’s true, memory lane is oftentimes full…
I have been playing cards for over 50 years now. My Dad taught me to play cribbage at an early age to learn to count. In fact, my Kindergarten teacher…